The Renowned RCMP Musical Ride Comes To The Legendary Village Of Vankleek Hill — Part One: The Pre-Show

…it’s the 180th Anniversary of the Vankleek Hill Fair [link] this summer so, to celebrate, the Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society brought the RCMP Musical Ride [link] to town. Which was very nice of them, because I was looking for something to take photos of.

By the time I arrived, the RCMP People had already taken the horses off the trailers and were in the process of putting the tack on them. There were only three or five people watching, and there were no barricades, so I just walked right into the paddock behind the Grandstand where they were warming up the horses and started taking photos.

I managed to get some really close-up and cool photos of the Horses and Riders. But then the… wrangler? — the RCMP Person in the photo above, looking directly at me, caught me in a place I wasn’t supposed to be and she politely told me to piss off. I agreed to, but I had taken enough shots by then and the pre-show was starting anyway…

The local talent consisted of the Prescott County 4-H Square Dancers [link], Quigley Highlanders Pipe Band [link], the MacCullough Dancers [link], and the Pleasant Corners Public School Choir sang O’Canada.

…six of my photos, including four in the Gallery below, were published on The Review’s website [link]. A bunch of them, including some from the Next Part, were published in their Print Edition.

So… I guess now’s the point where you click on a photo to get the carousel going. Or not. Totally up to you. And, please, feel free to leave a comment.

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