Vankleek Hill’s ‘Gymkhana’: Cowboys, Kids, And Their Horses Feeling The Need… The Need For Speed

I thought ‘Gymkhana’ was an event featuring little cars with huge 860hp engines doing incredible drifts and stunts. Turns out, it was first used to describe horse-riding contests [link] [link] during the old British Raj era in India.

…this was the first Event of its kind in Vankleek Hill. There were supposed to be four events in all, but I only saw the ‘Youth Barrel Racing’, and the ‘Pony Express Race’ and I was there all day Saturday. The ‘Pony Express’ — horse goes fast, rider jumps off, another rider jumps on, chaos ensues — only lasted four riders before it was called off after a horse slipped in a corner and threw the rider. Nobody was hurt, and the horse seemed fine.

As crazy as the ‘Pony Express’ was, The ‘Youth Barrel Racing’ — horse goes fast, rider guides it around three barrels, then races like Hell the length of the paddock — was crazier. It was kids — mostly young girls… I should have asked how old they were, but they were pretty young, racing horses at top speed. I swear some of them looked as young as my youngest son, so… maybe nine-years old?

But they all looked as though they had been riding for years. Which is amazing. I have to admit I was surprised to see this Event here. Vankleek Hill is more of an English-style of riding region, most of the horse Events around here are slow and steady, with horses pulling buggies and wagons. There is a light-horse speed Event at the VKH Fair, and they can go pretty fast [link], but nothing like this.

Hopefully the organizers come back with another one.

…anyway. If you click on a photo it’ll get the carousel going. Also, I embedded a video at the bottom of a 860hp Subaru doing incredible stunts and drifts. You’re welcome.

…ah, why not? There’s a YouTube video above of a 860hp Subaru doing Gymkhana things.

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